“I have never forgotten my first encounter with Sheikh Barouni. I had registered for a beginner’s Tajweed course from a well-known London institution in late 2014 but my place was cancelled at the last minute. I came across the details for SAIS at a time when they taught from an office in Pinner. I met the Sheikh on an enrolment day and explained my circumstances. He very kindly spent time on the spot assessing my abilities (or rather lack of them) and quickly deduced by my level and needs. He didn’t pressure me to sign up to anything from SAIS and instead offered sincere advice for my circumstances. I found a suitable foundation course elsewhere in London. A year later, I learnt that SAIS were running a beginner’s level Tajweed course which I quickly sign up for. The style of teaching was brilliant, the lesson was split into allocated recitation times for each individual, theory and application of the theory. Each semester was assessed with an exam that was challenging but fair. Alhamdulillah, I learnt so much in a short space of time. Sheikh Barouni was always patient, kind and encouraging. He consulted his class when changes were needed and was flexible to everyone’s needs. I continued to attend a Tasfeer class with him and despite my own shortfalls, he has always welcomed me. I highly recommend SAIS for their high-quality teaching, sincerity and genuine desire to create a local community where knowledge is learnt and shared.”
Monday 6th July 2020